Poem: Dying
By: JAWorley
For Christ
Die hard, but die saved.
If you’re going to die, do it well,
It doesn’t do on the past to dwell.
Living, loving, laughing, learning,
Sometimes to do this you have to fail.
Through this, let Christ be your guide,
So in the end, you can stand tall, and say,
I died, but at least I died saved.
It doesn’t do to build your house on sand,
When you can build it on a rock.
Why duct tape your soul to fix it,
When somebody already did that with nails?
In the end, I want to say,
I died with Christ holding my hand,
And not,
I died because it rained,
and I built my house on sinking sand.
In the end your house, and furniture,
And Body will burn regardless,
But with Christ you have a hand to hold on to in that firestorm.
With him you are pulled free from the blaze,
Without him you sink into the endless depths of insanity, inhumanity, death;
Christ can pull you free from all of that.
Stubbornness and Pride are as bad as the sand,
They only keep you from grabbing onto that hand,
The one that extends down to the deepest depths that you’ve dug yourself into,
And cries, “Please take hold, I’ll lift you up.”
Pride makes you pull your hand back, and say, “I don’t need a life preserver,”
even though you’re drowning.
Stubbornness makes you say, “I’ll do it on my own,” even though you’re stuck behind a locked door in that burning house, unable to get out on your own.
Why not take the key that hand offers down to you? The only key ever made.
Right now, this very second, if you’re reading this,
No matter what bad, unspeakable thing you’ve done,
It’s not too late to be saved.
There’s not a soul in hell that doesn’t believe,
Do you really want to be one of them because you waited too long?
Now is the time, here is the place.
You don’t have to drop to your knees, or hide your face.
Just call upon Christ, ask for his hand,
Tell him, “I need you, sinner that I am.”
Thank him for nailing your sin to the cross,
So that you could have a key to eternal life…
It’s time to stop wallowing in your self-pity and strife.
God made a way, and all you have to say is,
“Please forgive me Lord, I have faith.”
There is a place, a house built on solid stone,
Waiting just for you.
Let Christ take you there when it’s time.
Holding his hand in the end, saved you will die.
It’s ok to die hard, but die well, and die saved.
Accept the hand, and the only key; the one Christ made.
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